
The Rights Of The Criminal Justice System

Decent Essays

In order to maintain the rights of its citizens, our Country established the Miranda system in order to protect the rights of individuals who go through the Criminal Justice System. Prior to the Miranda system, individuals did not receive a fair trial considering that some were forced to plead guilty for a crime that they did not commit. It wasn’t until 1964 that the Supreme Court realized that the accused rights should be protected during an interrogation. Miranda was a step forward in order to protect our rights as citizens, and has evolved over time in order to prevent an unlawful confession. The Fifth amendment in the United States Constitution protects from self-incrimination. According to Gaines and Miller, “A defendant cannot be required to provide information about his or her own criminal activity”(Gaines and Miller, p.234). In the early years of our Criminal Justice system, our government had taken very little initiative to protect our fundamental right that we would be protected from self-incrimination. However, in 1964, the Supreme Court received a case that led to the Miranda Decision. Escobedo v. Illinois set the stage for Miranda and impacted how the criminal justice system would prosecute offenders. Escobedo v. Illinois, consisted of a “convicted murderer who had incriminated himself… Police officers ignored the defendant 's request to speak with his lawyer”(Gaines and Miller, p.234). Also, “Miranda was not informed of his rights prior to the police

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