
The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

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Coleridge?s Hidden Journal: ?The Rime of the Ancient Mariner? Samuel Taylor Coleridge?s ?Rime of the Ancient Mariner? is a piece known to many in some vague way or another. An elderly sailor, a ghostly ship, and the killing of an albatross are all present in many people?s minds, although they may not entirely know the whole tale. Although well-known today, the most activity ?Rime? has seen was in its beginnings. It has its fair share of praise and criticism, praise given posthumously and criticism given while Coleridge was alive. Other than criticisms on the actual text, many people claim that Coleridge borrowed the ideas of others and used them. One must look past the criticisms and negative reviews on an author?s work in order to truly understand it. This would aid a reader in realizing ?Rime? is full of religious truths, subtly illustrating Coleridge?s religious opinions. More than this, ?Rime? is a hidden pathway to Coleridge?s soul, as it allowed him to relieve grief and pain, illustrate his hopes and dreams, and express his true feelings about his life and the lives of all. Although Samuel Taylor Coleridge?s ?Rime of the Ancient Mariner? was criticized by many, it was more than a poem stuffed with borrowed ideas and stitched together with imagination; rather, it was an outlet for Coleridge, a therapeutical journal which simultaneously brought entertainment to those of his time and posterity. William Wordsworth, famous poet and close colleague of

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