
The Rise And Influence Of The Feminist Movement

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The Rise and Influence of the Feminist Movement in the 1970’s Throughout history, America has often distinguished men as primary leaders who have the utmost dominance. Whether it is the political, economical, or social status of a person, men have persistently controlled –with few rights given to women. For centuries, women were treated as their husband’s property; they did not have legal rights of any kind when it came to money and did not have management over their earnings (History-World). With men being the superior power, women had less access to employment, property ownership, and medical care –and as recent as the 1960’s women were expected to devote their life to being a housewife (History-World). This all changed with the start of the Feminist Movement. The Feminist Movement came into action in the late 60’s and throughout the 70’s. Feminism is a collection of ideologies and movements that promote the social, political, and economic equality of both genders –being most prominent throughout the 1970’s (Facts on File). The feminist movement in America consists of men and women from all over voicing their ideas on equality to make for a better society, and to broaden perspectives on how impactful women can be when they are able to contribute more to the world. The influence of feminism through the 1970’s was a necessary movement which helped the United States progress as a society by standing up against patriarchy, empowering women to face sexist oppression,

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