
The Rise Of Labor Unions, Strikes, Protests And Uprisings Essay

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The later half of the 19th century was characterized by the rise of labor unions, strikes, protests and uprisings. Starting in the 1960s, workers started to feel strongly the presence and pressure of instability in social mobility. “The truth could hardly be denied. Class, as defined in terms of dignity, was increasingly insecure” [Isenberg[8]] The gap between the rich and the poor became wider and the working class erroneously placed in-between began to question their identity and in the process seek to define and defend this new identity Capitalist America was witnessing a boom in production as industrialism became more and more prominent. The gap between the rich and the poor continued to widen and eventually would evolve to create a new class. The Marxism theory identified the rise of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat; the bourgeoisie consisted of those who owned capital and supplied the means of production while the proletariat were the laborers who owned only their labor and offered it up to the bourgeoisie in return for wages. According to the Marxism theory, the definition of the working class was simply made up of people who simply offered up work. The inclusion of the Marxism theory above serves to clearly and simply define who the stakeholders were in the Industrial labor system. At the extreme ends of the labor spectrum, both the elites who owned the means of production and the laborers who owned only their labor will offer the lens from which we will view

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