
The Rise and Fall of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920 Essay

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The Rise and Fall of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s The second Ku Klux Klan lasted between 1915 to 1944 but predominantly rose and fell during the 1920s. The Ku Klux Klan was a white supremacist group with millions of members who brutally tortured and killed anyone who was not a white American. The Ku Klux Klan were known for their white robes, cone hats, and covered faces that disguised their identities. The second Ku Klux Klan’s most important part of it’s history was it’s dramatic rise and fall. The Ku Klux Klan rapidly gained popularity during the 1920s due to political encouragement and immigration, then fell due to political corruption. The Ku Klux …show more content…

Prohibition was a huge controversial issue in the 1920s, which was when America banned the production, importation, and the sale of alcohol throughout the nation. The Ku Klux Klan was one of the largest supporters of Prohibition along with many other Americans. These Americans saw alcohol as poison to a person’s health, money, and way of life, and also believed all crime was caused by alcohol. The Ku Klux Klan was very strict on enforcing the prohibition laws, to a point where they went out and violently attacked, destroyed houses, saloons, and anything valuable to those who had broken the prohibition laws. The KKK’s support for Prohibition represented the single most important bond between Klansman throughout the nation, since every member strongly believed alcohol poisoned the soul (Hanson). Since the KKK had openly supported prohibition and strictly enforced it, it had encouraged Americans with the same conservative views on the topic of prohibition to get involved . The Klan’s support for prohibition led to a dramatic increase of new members in the Klan. The Klan also attempted to gain political power as Mr Simkin explains “Klansmen were elected to positions of political power. This included state officials in Texas, Oklahoma, Indiana, Oregon and Maine” (Simkin). Klansmen began becoming political leaders such as state legislators, governors, and city

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