
The Role Of Aging In Long-Term Memory

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Forgetting refers to the inability to remember clearly or modified version of information, which is already encoded and stored in an individual's long-term memory. (Grivas, 2013)
Forgetting that occurs through physiological damage to the brain is referred to as organic causes of forgetting.
Damage can be from: disease, stroke, head injury, long-term alcoholism, severe malnutrition, brain surgery or aging
Chronologically, we are going to age regardless of what people like to believe; certain parts of the brain shrink during aging, especially the prefrontal cortex (an area at the front of the frontal lobe) and the hippocampus. Both areas are important to memory (National Institute on Aging, 2015). The hippocampus deals with the formation of long-term memories

Aging as organic forgetting …

Experiments that suggest aging does lead to forgetting…
Age affects recall
Ethical Considerations:
• Subjects were assured there would not be any physical harm brought to them
• If the subject did not feel comfortable with the experiment, at any time they were free to withdrawal from the experiment
• Subject responses were kept anonymous
• Word list was created so as to not offend or leave any lasting mental harm to the …show more content…

In addition, there was evidence of directed forgetting for both younger and older adults for recall; Hat through to Baby were particularly high as they were read out first and are moved into the Long-Term memory (Primary Effect), as expected they were the few that were remembered without a problem because the person has time to rehearse each word in their head. Racing Car was amongst the top raters as it sits in the Short-Term memory (Recency Effect) it was well remembered best, because it was the last thing read

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