
The Role Of Dreams In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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In Of Mice and Men, the recurring theme throughout the novella in the dream in which Lennie and George are working for. Their dream is to one day own a house with land, crops, and livestock. This dream allows the two men to become persistent, and accomplish whatever is necessary in order to reach their dream. As portrayed in the novella by John Steinbeck, dreams become almost essential in people’s lives and are needed in order to accomplish tasks.
In Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie’s dream of owning a house gives them the motivation to complete jobs. By having this motivation, the men are able to earn money from working on the ranch, which allows George and Lennie to reach closer to their dream. Many times throughout the book, George and Lennie think of quitting their job on the ranch, but then remember that they need the job in order to gain a wealth large enough to purchase the house.If these dreams were not present in the men’s life, George and Lennie would no longer possess an ultimate goal in life, thus creating a quite somber life. …show more content…

Without having dreams of one day creating a better life for yourself and the ones you love, people would have no reason to wake up and go to work in the morning. Dreams allow oneself to become motivated, dedicated, and persistent. Also, dreams allow people such as Bill Gates and Elon Musk to invent new technology, and ultimately manipulate the future in a positive manner. If people such as these revolutionary men did not have dreams to better our future, nothing significant would be accomplished. Dreams, whether massive or minuscule, allows people as a society to develop and

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