
The Role Of Feminism In America

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Feminism is a word that will either push people away or draw their attention. Centuries have passed in which people have been holding men and women to differing standards and expecting this to go without rebellion. Feminism has become a very prominent thing in American society as feminist celebrities are speaking their opinions on the matter. However, people have different opinions on what it actually means to be a feminist and whether or not feminism is a positive or negative ideology. It is up to every person to decide how they want to think of feminism and what the word means to them. Nevertheless, everyone must first learn the history behind feminism as well as what it was and is like to be a woman in this world.
Sexism can be traced all …show more content…

So, instead of waiting for the pope’s permission she married Ferdinand and was promptly told she was no longer heir when her brother found out. Henry made his daughter the heir to the throne after removing his sister from the line. However, her older brother’s death brought an uprising with it and as a result Isabella inherited the crown. Henry had left the kingdom in shambles; his spending caused the economy to break down and the people became unruly. In contrast, during her reign Isabella made the kingdom strong and well again (Atkinson).
Feminist role models are not limited to queens and rulers, but can also be found in women who were simple citizens. Although she was not a queen, Mary Wollstonecraft knew who she was. Wollstonecraft endured a childhood with an abusive father who favored one of her brothers over her. At a young age, she was exposed to men with a negative connotation and tried to protect her mother from a man’s abuse. She went on to write about equality and sexism in A Vindication of the Rights of Women and other …show more content…

Elizabeth Cady Stanton came to know Judge Hurlbut and during a conversation she decided it was time to hold a meeting to discuss women’s rights. The meeting for people who wanted women to have equal rights consisted of both men and women, however it only included one African American. Stanton was one of the two women who organized the meeting and was also the person to draft the Declaration of Sentiments, Grievances, and Resolutions. This declaration repeated what the Declaration of Independence said about all people being created equal (“Women’s Rights Movement”).
Even with this group’s demands, women’s grievances were all but ignored by the majority. Nonetheless, Stanton did not give up on achieving rights for women. “Men are the Brahmins, women the Pariahs, under our existing civilization” is a quote that explains how women of the time felt (Anthony, Stanton, and Gage). The feminist woman did not silence herself because of the ignorance of others, but she instead grew even louder about the topic (“Woman’s Rights

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