
The Role Of Medieval Women In The High Middle Ages

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Medieval Women

During the High Middle Ages, the population of Europe increased greatly which allowed trade to prosper and the Medieval Period climate to change. The political structure where knights and lower-status nobles owed military service to their overlords in return for the right to rent from lands and manors, were two of the ways society was organized in the High Middle Ages. Men during this time was seen as this prestige figure versus women, they are seen less. Women were taught to be a “good wife” to their husbands by cleaning, cooking home food, and taking care of the children. Once a woman is married, they would have restrictions on what to do and what they are expected to do in the house which is usually cooking and cleaning. Women, even those in privileged lifestyle, had little control over the route of their lives. Women in general, had arranged marriage by their families and this also goes for the husbands. Depending on the woman’s status, they had different responsibilities when it comes to being in the kitchen. Medieval women played an active role in this society. The three major groups of women that contributed a lot to the society are Royal/Noblewomen, Religious women (Nuns), and Peasants/Serfs women.
The similarity between a royal woman and a noblewoman is that they are placed in the same environment, which was the castle. These two groups of women are known as the top two in the medieval hierarchy. A royal woman doesn’t really have any relationship

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