
The Role Of Monster In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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In the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the monster is portrayed as a villainous creature who was made to be evil. In fact, that is not the case at all. The monster's creator, Victor Frankenstein, made the monster for his own pleasure. Frankenstein was trying to play the role of God, even though the book claims that it is for mankind to be improved upon through research and experimentation. He was created as an innocent human, almost like an overgrown baby, and shaped into the ‘villain’ everyone thought he was. This was due to people treating him like an outcast and not taking him in or letting him feel welcomed like a newly born creature should be. Frankenstein was an innocent creature until turned into a evil being by the doings of his creator. At the beginning of the book when Frankenstein is creating the monster he is doing it for himself. When the monster has been created Victor runs away from the monster out of horror and fear for his life. This already gives the monster a sense of doubt and confusion about himself, but no great threat was presented at this point. After a period of time trying to sleep, Victor wakes up from a horrible nightmare only to find the creature staring at him with a malformed smile. He then runs out of the house completely and never returns for the monster for a long period of time. This does a great deal of damage to the creature by building up anger and sadness while being isolated from all other forms of life. Victor left him with no

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