
The Role Of Women In 1984 By George Orwell

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Throughout history, men consistently consider women inferior forming the stereotype that women are the weaker sex. Society taught itself that the icon of masculinity is directly related to the weakness of females (Csaszar 40). This idea, however, enraged a countless number of men and women alike forcing them to advocate a new way of thinking. George Orwell managed to reverse the idea of male dominance by introducing the world to Winston Smith, the weak, male, main character whose only purpose in life is to serve his society. In his futuristic science fiction novel, 1984, Orwell uses the stereotypical female characters as the compelling forces which drive man to act. Despite their portrayed lack of power, the women in the novel are the only characters with any influence over Winston, making them the crucial aspect to the book’s anti-totalitarian purpose. Taking place in the future totalitarian society of Oceania, Orwell begins and ends the novel with fear and control over man. Winston Smith, the main character, is depicted as weak, and passive- aggressive (Orwell). This goes against the usual description of the main character of a novel who would be strong and the hero of a story. In a typical society that praised masculinity, Orwell was able to present Winston’s absence of the trait in order to expose it later in the book in a more realistic way according to the novel’s setting. Although he is the main character, Winston is seen as more pitiable instead of admirable. He

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