
The Role of Feminism in the Secret Life of Bees

Decent Essays

Mary McGill
Ms. Bond
English II

The Role of Feminism in The Secret Life of Bees

In Sue Monk Kidd’s novel The Secret Life of Bees, the theme of feminism often reoccurs.
Throughout the novel, Kidd reveals the aspects and importance of feminine power and matriarchy versus the typical role of masculine leadership and authority. The teachings of Carl Jung, a philosopher who believes that society would be better by emphasizing the importance of feminine values versus the masculine, deeply influences Kidd’s writings. These principles are greatly displayed in the plot and theme of The Secret Life of Bees. Lily’s desire for a mother, and the importance of having a mother, as well as Kidd’s portrayal of strong …show more content…

Most importantly The Secret Life of Bees is loaded with colorful and strong female characters. For example, Rosaleen’s stubborn attitude and refusal to back down to anyone contradicts typical expectancy for women to sit back and take the treatment men give them, especially for colored women in the sixties. When a group of white males attempt to stir up

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