
The Secret Life Of Bees Rhetorical Analysis

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Secret Life of Bees The passage from chapter fourteen conveys a significant and victorious tone, as Rosaleen earns her voter’s card. “For heaven’s sake, all I’m doing is getting my voters card” (Kidd 281). Rosaleen had great desire to acquire a voters card. The tone implies that it was a great achievement to acquire a voter’s card, and now it was finally time that Rosaleen got hers. “Getting it just right. Her big moment. Suddenly I wished I’d gone with them” (Kidd 282). The tone emphasizes the significance of Rosaleen getting her card. Lily shows signs of regret that she did not go to support Rosaleen who had always been there for her. The tone of this passage greatly affects how the reader percepts the importance of an African American receiving a voter’s card. Rosaleen is a singular character used by the author to symbolize a greater issue; segregation and racism. “Two of them held me by the arms while the other one hit me-- the one with the flashlight” (Kidd 46). The men abusing Rosaleen in the jail cell is an example of racism, if the men did this to a white individual they would be arrested. But because Rosaleen is black and in that current …show more content…

“But I had such a moment in my own ordinary room. I heard a voice say Lily Melissa Owens your jar is open” (Kidd 41). The bees acted almost as a guide to Lily, when the bees left Lily knew that it was her time to go as well. The bees, messengers from God were signaling Lily that she needed to remove herself from her current situation. “I knew exactly what I had to do -- leave. I had to get away from T. Ray” (Kidd 41). The bees were the reason that this realization occurred to Lily. The bees were telling Lily that God wanted her to leave, it was God’s plan for Lily to live with the calendar sisters so she could learn about her mother. Which is what she needed the most. The bees put Lily on the right track by leading her to her

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