
The Security Exchange Commission Case Study

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The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), the federal agency that is responsible for regulating and enforcing security laws, experienced one the largest fraud schemes perpetrated on investors and citizens. Madoff defrauded an approximately 65 billion dollars from investors (Shafritz, 2013) and Madoff did so under the blind eye of the SEC. To avoid similar disasters, the oversight and enforcement is critical to maintain effective policies to ensure the best interests of the public. Securities Exchange Commission Regulatory Policies and Structure The SEC’s principle division, Division of Enforcement, which enables the commission to investigate and recommend civil action, is largely evaluated on how well the division performs (Macy, 2010). Specifically, the regulatory policies of the SEC emphasizes the importance of the Division of Enforcement activities because its success is the existence of budget allocation within Congress therefore the SEC focuses on raw number of cases it brings forward and the fines its collect (Macy, 2010). As a result, the SEC discourages complex investigations and elects to pursue quick open and close cases (Perri & Brody, 2011). Shafritz (2013) states that the SEC failed to investigate numerous tips regarding Madoff’s Ponzi scheme because of agency capture, the phenomenon regarding agencies that are hesitant in challenging prominent figures, and interagency rivals (pp. 350-351). Shafritz identifies the reasons the SEC failed to investigate

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