
The Separation Of Church And State

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After the revolution our Founding Fathers were busily debating how we should govern our new nation. When you look at the first amendment of the Constitution One realizes what freedoms our Founders found most important to our budding society, namely the freedoms of speech, religion, assembly and the press. They realized instinctively that they needed to structure our nation differently than the traditional way in which countries were structure, with the government determining much of what the country was allowed to do. Instead the Founders structured the country by determining the government’s range of power, to prevent a repeat of government oppression and abuse of power that was experienced by the colonists at the hands of the English monarchy. Freedom of religion, second only to freedom of speech, was seen by our Founding Fathers as vitally important to the fabric of our new nation. It was clear that individuals should be allowed to make up their own minds about how they choose to worship, if they worship at all. For years the constitutionality of the separation of church and state has been debated, many people have analyzed and reanalyzed Thomas Jefferson’s famous saying “A Wall of Separation” in his letter to the Danbury Baptist. Many religious people believe that the government is slowly taking our right to freedom of religion, the reason our country was founded, away. The government’s stance on the issue has widely impacted the way America as a whole practices

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