
The Setting Analysis Of 'The Road'

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The Road Setting Analysis The first line that opens the book of “The Road,” sets the bleak tone of the novel. When we begin reading this novel, we quickly realize that we are entering a wasteland. We start to feel the hopelessness that the characters, the man and the boy, share and we begin experiencing the dread that characters experience from day to day. When a glimpse of light makes its way through he words written on the pages, we may feel our hearts leap, but only a little, for soon something miserable or life threatening happens. In “The Road,” we experience what the world is like as a never-ending wasteland, dangers that the characters go through, and a roller coaster of sorrow, disappointment, and hopelessness. When the novel begins, there is a sense of dread. The sense of dread is given by the first line, “When he woke in the woods in the dark and the cold of the night he'd reach out to touch the child sleeping beside him.” We know it is dark, cold, and our characters are sleeping in the woods, but we do not know why at this point. As the story reads further, we learn that the world is and has been gray and dim for some time. The world the characters live in, can only be described as post-apocalyptic. Ash covers the barren land, which leaves little to no promise for life. Animals and trees are dead. Water is polluted. There is no sign of life with each passing of a different town or house, making it difficult to find food, clean water, or warm shelter. For

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