
The Shakespeare Code : A Direct Adaptation Of Macbeth

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Shakespeare is highly regarded as one of the best playwrights of all time, with many of his plays being labeled masterpieces. His genius in using words, and even coining his own, to invoke powerful imagery, make him an icon of the Renaissance. One could choose many of his numerous plays to illustrate this, and they certainly would not be in the wrong if they chose Macbeth. Its brutality and ambiguous morals as well as the uncertainty of what exactly happened, sets it apart from his many other plays. Macbeth has also shaped the way that we see witches. The imagery present in it has been ingrained into the collective conscious, and birthed many of the notions we have about witches. It would be hard to say that a story using three malevolent witches, is not references Macbeth to some degree. So, it is no surprise that when Dr. Who went to do an episode honoring Shakespeare, they used the three witches formula. Of course, the episode “The Shakespeare Code” is not a direct Adaptation of Macbeth, instead the it has many allusions to both Macbeth, as well as a few parallels with it, and Shakespeare in general. Though both Macbeth and the episode do strike up a similar message, even if the method, and the occult aspect have been revised. Leitch’s Defines allusion as small references of a source in a story, that are not a major component of the plot, such as jokes, quotations, and small thematic references (Leitch, Pg. 121). Allusions are what “The Shakespeare Code” has in spades.

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