
The Similarities And Differences Of Fairy Folk Tales

Decent Essays

Comparative Analysis Essay
Fairy Folk Tales are the most popular types of literature. The tale is an orally transmitted tradition by generations through the time; some events are changed to fit reality and society. Folk fairy tales deal with the dualism of the good and the evil. They are basing on a conflict between the good and the evil forces. The conclusion comes from aspirations of the human desire to achieve the justices. There are no known authors and sources for ancient’s literature. We have many versions of the story; they are credited by many authors later. Each tale is very like some other culture’s tale. Each culture has own tales, but all the tales are similarities and differences in some points. This essay will compare between two fairy tales, “Cinderella” and “In the Land of Small Dragon”. The tale of Cinderella is a French tale. It is credited by Charles Perrault; it is published in 1697. The in the Land of Small Dragon is a Vietnamese folktale; it is told by Dang Manh Kha in 1979.
The tale works to improve the man’s image, as a fair and a wise father; or a prince who is the savior of hopeless girl. The hopeless girl expresses a kind and a simple girl; otherwise, the woman mirrors a wicked, jealous, and ugly character. That is clear in these two-fairy tales. While Cinderella and Tam were little kids, they lost their mothers. At this point, each of them her suffering and the painful journey begins. Cinderella lives in her father’s house with a stepmother and

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