
The Sonnets Of Shakespeare 's Sonnets

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There are 154 sonnets Shakespeare wrote, though it is popularly theorized that he himself did not publish them; they were published by a man named Thomas Thorpe, who is said to have stolen the sonnets. This explains the unrefined lines found in several of the sonnets. More evidence for this theory stems from the idea that Shakespeare’s heterosexuality had to be proven by publishing the sonnets and claiming that each one about romance was written for or about women. It is not known what Shakespeare’s true sexuality was, though in his time being homosexual was viewed as a grave sin and would have wiped Shakespeare’s name from fame. Ernest Sutherland Bates says in his publication The Sincerity of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, “The criterion of …show more content…

Many of the sonnets are romantic, with more than half appearing to be written about a romance with a young man, and the rest are written about a woman referred to often as the Dark Lady. This paper will be concerned with Sonnet 7.
Shakespeare’s Sonnet 7 strays from the main theme of love and romance, as it is mainly about youth turning into old age. The first four are as follows: “Lo! in the orient when the gracious light / Lifts up his burning head, each under eye / Doth homage to his new-appearing sight / Serving with looks his sacred majesty.” Already the theme of youth fleeing into old age can be seen; the “gracious light” refers to the sun, which rises in the east and sets in the west. The “orient” refers to the East, and so this line depicts someone young. This is reinforced by the phrase “lifts up his burning head” in the second line, as it characterizes the sun as just rising up over the horizon, burning bright and full of energy for the day ahead. In the third line, “his new-appearing sight,” also reinforces this imagery of the sun rising each day. The final line in this rhyme pattern implies that others look at the young man with respect, as shown by the words “his sacred majesty.” There has always been a respect for the willpower and determination of young people, and in writing, art, and theatre the young are often

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