
The South: Educating a Growing Hispanic Population Essay

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For many years the United States minority population mostly consisted of African Americans. In 2003, the statistic changed to Hispanics becoming the largest minority population in the United Sates (Parrado & Kandel, 2010). With the increase of the Hispanic population, education concerns of this population have started to arise. In some cases, Hispanics are being over referred to special education programs. This phenomenon is linked to the presence of a language barrier as well as other characteristics of the children in this population (Guiberson, 2009). Although the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) specify that language barriers should be ruled out, it seems that this phenomena continues, but could be …show more content…

A study conducted by Guiberson (2009) has found that the enrollment numbers of Hispanics in special education was disproportionate to the population in the schools themselves. He also finds that these issues is not present in all schools but have linked the issues to several criteria some of which are the diversity among students, the size of the school district, and per student spending (Guiberson, 2009). In Guiberson (2009) study he found that 49 percent of the bilingual special education students may not have been learning disabled. The students may have had difficulties that were related to their language and culture and not a learning disability. The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) of 2004 has several different procedure and document that are to be followed when assessing individuals for a special education program. In Guiberson's (2009) research he suggests that some educators may be unprepared to work with diverse student populations. In a 200 participant survey of speech pathologist a study found that a third of the participants did not have sufficient training in multicultural issues (Guiberson, 2009). Studies have shown that students that learn in educational environment that reflect their cultural background tend to achieve more academically, which make multicultural instruction important in school with diverse populations (Ornstein & Levine, 2007). Guiberson's

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