
The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

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In the past equality was a big issue. Man and Woman did not have the same rights. Women sick in ambitions. The story “The Story of an Hour” deals about a wife who lost her husband and is destroyed by it. All the love she has for him disappeared and first she has to find a way to handle it. After she stops crying, she finally pushes herself up, looks out the window to see the clear blue sky, which helps her to realize that she is not under her husband’s control anymore. Finally, she was released. Also in “Trifles” the wife had to handle the situation that her husband dies but in this case the wife most likely killed her husband because she could not stand anymore the fact that he treated her as a slave. Both women have to accept a big loss in their lives but they also feel a sense of freedom and relief that they are not anymore under a man’s control. Both stories deal with women who struggle under their rules of their husbands but at the end they find a way to escape and finally start to live their own life. The stories are taken place in the early 1900s and act about the old traditional gender roles which played an important role in the society. Women had to fight for their freedom and against their husbands.
In “The Story of an Hour” Louise the wife gets from her sister Josephine informed that her husband passed away. After she stopped to cry about it, she goes to her room, sits down, opens the window and looks out of it. “There were patches of blue sky showing here and

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