
The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

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The Story of an Hour deals with language and sentence structures to help revel the true untreated emotions that all the characters feel inside. The story also displays the inner mental strains of women whom were restrained and undervalued by unacceptable social expectations upon marriage. This story is about Mrs. Mallard’s husband’s death that turned into her freedom. Mrs. Mallard was both depressed and repressed. Mrs. Mallard thought she had found her way but in the end her husband was alive and that shock, made her pass away. The theme of this short story is learning the true identity of Louise herself ,the role of the women in marriage at the time where husbands dominates over the wife’s, a dysfunctional marriage and freedom. The inevitability of this is the conflict of what society expects of her. She was very unhappy with her marriage and thought when her husband died that she would be free from all her troubles and worries. Mrs. Mallard at first is in panic about the new gained independence but then is overjoyed with this new found freedom. Yet, she has all the emotions in a confined room as well. When Mrs. Mallard leaves the room just as she has found her new freedom it was snatched away, just as she was barely getting to understand her new found independence. “She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long.”(Chopin) The setting in this short story is the nineteenth century in the house of the Mallard’s. The period of time this occurred is important because

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