
The Stranger

Decent Essays

Albert Camus creates a series of characters in The Stranger whose personality traits and motivations mirror those that are overlooked by the average man. Camus develops various characters and scenarios that are considered rude and unpleasant, but because it has become common, society accepts it as norms. Camus incorporates atrocious personality traits of the characters, variety, consistency, and everyone’s fate through the creation of the characters.
Camus demonstrates the disregarded reason behind the origins of relationships between people to characterize people as selfish. The relationship between Salamano and his dog displays how Salamano as self-centered. When Meursault mentions, “He hadn’t been happy with his wife, but he’d pretty …show more content…

I agreed to act as a witness for him” (37), the contextual evidence proves that Raymond only uses Meursault for his own benefit by making him his witness. In this relationship, Camus presents Raymond with selfish-like characteristics for using Meursault for his own benefit and not returning the favor to Meursault.
Camus employs a change in routine, Meursault having food with other people, which reveals the unexpected cause for him becoming involved and encountering bad situations. Meursault mentions that “I ate at the restaurant, at Céleste’s, as usual” (Camus, 3), which displays his every day routine. The principal factor of his everyday routine which involves food, usually took place at Céleste’s. Meursault in the textual quote displays a shift in his food routine when mentioning, ‘I’ve [Raymond] got some blood sausage and some wine at my place. How about joining me’ (28)? Raymond’s invitation leads up to him becoming involved in a faulty situation. Meursault mentions the situation when saying, “He’d thought of asking me to write it for him. Since I didn’t say anything, he asked if I’d mind doing it right then and I said no” (32). Through the excuse of just having dinner with Raymond, it results in Meursault writing a letter to Raymond’s ex-girlfriend. Later the letter causes a quarrel which results in Meursault becoming a witness as well. Another instance of a change from Céleste’s restaurant is when Meursault consumes coffee at

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