
The String Theory

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Sub-atomic particles, known as quarks, electrons, photons, and neutrinos were strewn across expanding space. Equal amounts of matter and antimatter particles began to collide and annihilate each other. Gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces, and electromagnetic forces soon came into play. As the universe started to cool, fundamental particles called quarks began to smash together forming protons and neutrons. They, in turn, merged to create the nuclei of simple elements, beginning with hydrogen, helium, and lithium. This primordial soup contained the building blocks for everything in the universe. Voilà, the universe was born.
Matter and energy continued to expand. Static electricity and gravity brought the expanding matter together. …show more content…

Strings would also give rise to the forces of nature: gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces, and electromagnetism. Atoms contain protons that produce a positive charge, neutrons that produce a neutral charge, and electrons that produce a negative charge. According to the theory, electrons and quarks, which make up protons and neutrons, were produced by minuscule, one-dimensional, randomly behaving, vibrating strings of energy. A property of matter or force of nature would be the result when the strings vibrate and interact with each other.
Not so fast, physicists filled blackboard after blackboard with mathematical equations to prove that the theory was consistent with the force of gravity. Did not happen. A theory had to be established that was compatible with the gravitational forces in the enormous universe and the microscopic world. The modified theory had to include quantum gravity, a high-frequency, string vibration that would produce a graviton. A graviton is responsible for curving surrounding space. The Super String Theory soon replaced the Not-so-super String Theory. Particle/wave duality of matter and energy on the quantum level joined the mix, boson/fermion partnerships known as supersymmetry brought the wine, quantum gravity served the hors d'oeuvres, and the Mother of all parties got underway.
The M Theory, aka Mother, Master, or

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