
The Struggle for Freedom in Yellow Wallpaper and Story of an Hour

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Struggle for Freedom in The Yellow Wallpaper and The Story of an Hour

"The Yellow Wallpaper" and "The Story of an Hour" are two very similar stories. Both deal with middle-aged women who long to attain their freedom. They share the same theme, but convey the message differently in terms of style and quality. The two stories are about women who are fighting for freedom, happiness, and the ability to be truly expressive in any way possible.

The greatest similarity is between the female protagonists of each story. Each woman is desperately searching for freedom, but not allowed to have it. In "The Yellow Wallpaper," the female protagonist depressed. To treat her sickness, she is sent with her husband to live in a haunted mansion …show more content…

She is also forced to stay inside that room for every part of the day and she is not allowed to express her creativity in any shape or form. "The Story of an Hour" is very similar to this, but contains many differences. It's like the other story in the way that the main character is in a room by herself, but she was not forced into the room, and she could leave if she wanted to. It's also similar in the way that she wants her freedom. However freedom is different from the other story .The woman wants to actually be free and be able to live her own life.

In "The Yellow Wallpaper," the woman wants to experience her own life, but, more importantly to her, to have the ability to express herself and be creative. She wants to be able to write and take walks while in "The Story of an Hour" the wife wants to live without her husband. Both of these characters want freedom, but only one gets it. In "The Story of an Hour," the woman believes freedom is hers, but the shock of her losing it again causes her to have a heart attack and die. However, Death is eternal freedom. In "The Yellow Wallpaper," the woman goes crazy for lack of freedom, yet does not die. She goes crazy and experiences her own type of freedom, but her freedom is only temporary, and once she leaves the house she is going to start getting better.

Another similarity between these two stories is that both of the characters have husbands who take

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