
The Sunflower, On The Possibilities And Limits Of Forgiveness

Decent Essays

Some people would say that you should forgive someone no matter what, but others say that you don’t have to forgive someone if you don’t want to. So, do people have a responsibility to forgive all the time? The Holocaust is a great example of forgiving, because millions of Jewish families were separated and the people that survived forgave the Nazi’s after some time. Others, though, did not forgive the Nazi’s for what they did. Two selections talk about why they forgave the Nazi’s and why they didn’t. In “It’s For You to Know That You Forgive,” Holocaust survivor Eva Kor talks about why she forgave the Nazis, after the war. In The Sunflower, On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness, Sidney Shachnow talks about how the Nazis deserve no mercy. Depending on the situation, people don’t always have the responsibility to forgive all the the time. …show more content…

In The Sunflower, On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness, Sidney Shachnow tells us that some Nazis have no right to ask for forgiveness. Sidney says that “...But those individuals who were directly and personally involved in these atrocities deserve no mercy” (Shachnow 242). Sidney is saying that the Nazis that ask for forgiveness later on after they killed people don’t deserve forgiveness, but the people that ask right away may deserve it. Sydney is also saying that it does depend on what point in time the person asked for forgiveness. Although some people may argue that what Sydney said is wrong, it is ok for that person to not forgive if they don’t feel like

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