
The Supernatural Force And Mass Hysteria In The Crucible

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In the “The Crucible” I think there was a supernatural force but there was also mass hysteria. The story is based on what the people wanted to believe. 1 doctor who believed the cause of an illness was due to witchcraft. The thought of this is what drove the townspeople mad. Many women were hanged and accused of being witches for no solid reason. The salem witch trials was an infamous time where a simple thing such as reading a book could be a sign of witchcraft. For example on page 53 Mr. Correy claims to have seen his wife reading a book in the middle of the night. He found this to be suspicious but with the whole town knowing the court issued a warrant for her to be taken away. He tries his best to fight for her innocence court but fails. I don’t think of this as witchcraft because she is only reading and she was doing no harm to anyone. This goes to show that any little accusation can lead to a big problem. In the beginning of the story Betty and Abigail were seen dancing in the woods, the next day Betty is unable to wake up. Once the town heard about this many of course assumed witchcraft. I believe this was witchcraft because once they were seen Betty is unable to wake up which is strange if she had no signs of illness or anything. Abigail and the girls are gatherd around betty when she starts to whimper. She wakes up and Abigail is telling her she has told her papa everything that has happened. On page 12 Betty tells abigail, “ You drank blood… you drank a charm to

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