
The Surgeon General's Call To Prevent And Reduce Underage Drinking

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Minors should know how to deal with alcohol in order to prevent those accidents. Alcohol affects your judgement and reasoning. Its effects can include slowed down reaction speed, upset sense of balance and coordination, loss of concentration, drowsiness, impaired vision and hearing, and body damage vulnerability. These side effects cause drinkers to have trouble with day to day work and activities which eventually leads to accidents. If time was taken to prevent them from doing heavy drinking, the accidents would be avoided. Minors will find their limits to alcohol to avoid getting into accidents from drinking too …show more content…

Childhood and teenage years are major times for brain growth and can be negatively affected by the use of alcohol. In the report “The Surgeon General’s Call to Action To Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking” by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, it states, “Creates secondhand effects that can put others at risk. Loud and unruly behavior, property destruction, unintentional injuries, violence, and even death because of underage alcohol use afflict innocent parties.” (2007) In brief, alcohol can be related to the extremely violent behavior of some teens. In fact, 45% of those who die in drunk driving incidents are not the driver themselves but those around them. (The Surgeon General’s Call to Action To Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking, 2007) For this reason, opponents argue that minors have no right to drink alcoholic beverages. Therefore, critics who oppose minors being allowed to drink believe alcohol will lead to very troublesome problems for youth and their …show more content…

However, all those who showed those behaviors had not had moderate amounts, but instead enough to get drunk off of or get addicted to it. In “Positive and Negative effects of Alcohol Use,” Wendy Moelker states that drinking 1-3 glasses of alcohol a day leads to being livelier and healthier, but excessive drinking leads to disease and aggressive behavior (2012). In other words, those who drink excessively become violent and aggressive while those who didn’t stay healthy. For example, Moelker stated that 40% of all incidents involving aggression happened while under alcohol’s influence (2012). Only those who are irresponsible with alcohol have had a problem. On the whole, alcohol itself is not to blame for the behaviors of certain youth or adults, but it is their overuse that is the cause of their

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