
The Symbolism Of 'Hop-Frog' By Eager Allen Poe

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Hop-Frog by Eager Allen Poe, one of the stories from Eight Tales of Terror, was set in what seems to be a medieval times. The story follows a Dwarf, Hop-Frog, who serves his king as center of his amusement. Hop-Frog was taken from his own village and sent to the castle where he is tormented by the king along side his friend, Trippetta. The Castle setting makes Hop-Frog and the other workers at the castle tends to make these characters feel like they are less then the King and his court because, of the amount of flare that the King has in his Court. The setting of the ballroom that Hop-Frog used was symbolic to who was in it and how the King felt that it was his home and no one could harm him there. Hop-Frog used the ballroom as the center of

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