
The Tell-Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe: A Compare Contrast

Decent Essays

Concentration can lead to oblivion to things around people and can lead to devastating results.In the stories “The Oval Potrait” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” written by the famous Edgar Allen Poe,both main characters distraction in a physycal object leads to life changing effects.In the story "The Oval Portrait" a mad man painter driven by the beauty of art, paints his beloved oblivious to her plungeting health, killing her. The following comes a story named the “Tell- Tale Heart” in which the narrator is determined to kill an innocent man for the appearance of his eye the guilt further leading him to go insane and admit his candor confession of his horrible crime.Both characters share dedication, loss and faults of action linking to excessive pride.
The stories show dedication can be a luminous distraction from the hurting they cause to their close ones. Futhermore in “The Oval Potrait” the narrator’s wife is hurt by the neglection given off from her husband’s aura as a result of his deeply driven obsession with art.As stated in the text,”The painter had grown wild with the ardor of his work, and turned his eyes from the canvas merely, even to regard the countenance of his wife”("The Oval …show more content…

this notion is expressed in the line,”The ringing became more distinct-it continued and became more distinct”(The Tell-Tale Heart”).The guilt of killing the old man surfaces as a fault furthermore the guilt consumes his mind and makes his heart beat fast, that a sign of guilt.The significant beating of the narrator’s heart shows there is guilt and he is aware that what he did was wrong he shows this during the confrontation with the police and confesses, the beating making him go insane and nervous thinking it is the dead old man’s heart.Looking closer the reader may notice the actions of the narrator leads him into a trap of confessing to his own

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