
The Theme Of Equality 7-2521 In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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The word denouncing is defined as publicly declare to be wrong or evil. In the story Anthem, Equality 7-2521 does so and he cannot be right or wrong. Just like in life, people have opinions and there is no right or wrong opinion. In my opinion, I think Equality 7-2521 is correct to do so because in Equality 7-2521 society, everyone is one and no one is to be different. The word I is unknown and cannot be used. I feel this is what made Equality 7-2521 to denounce the leaders in his society. The most striking thing in the book Anthem, is when Equality states “And here, over the portals of my fort, I shall cut in the stone the world which is to be my beacon and my banner. The word which will not die, should we all perish in battle. The word which can never die on the earth, for it is the heart of it and the meaning and the glory. The sacred word: EGO” (Rand 105). This quote has great meaning to it. I believe that Equality was trying to say that the only word that can never die and has the most meaning is, I. I in this book symbolizes individualism, which is highly encouraged in Anthem. Another reason Equality was correct by denouncing the leaders …show more content…

In the story, Equality does just that. On page 100, Equality states “Our son will be raised as a man. He will be taught to say “I” and to bear the pride of it. He will be taught to walk straight and on his own feet. He will be taught reverence for his own spirit” (Rand 100).This quote said by Equality, shows that Equality is symbolizing Individualism by choosing how he wants to raise his son and not having anyone else tell him how he wants to live. This quote also shows that Equality is living a life that he wants to live. He is living and doing what he wants to do, unlike in his old society when he is chosen for a job that he does not want to do and a life he doesn't want to

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