
The Theme Of Reality And Reality In Death Of A Salesman

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In Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller’s, the Lowman family is incapable of deciphering and understanding differentiate between reality and fantasy. This theme of reality versus fantasy is seen recurring throughout the play, which even provokes the demise of Willy Lowman. Throughout the play the value and importance of the American dream of becoming successful is heavily perused and pried upon. The play is set in the mid-20th century when men in America were fixed upon notable accomplishment for them and their families, and in the pursuit of a life indulge in luxury. Willy in particular, has a lust for monetary accumulations. In other words, he is thus in pursuit of the extant of the American dream, the goal of which is to obtain immense wealth …show more content…

He believes that Biff’s success would shroud his own personal failures and inability to succeed in life and takes pride in his success in trying to turn them into success, as seen when he was bragging to his brother Ben, “That’s just the spirt I want to imbue them with! To walk into a jungle! I was right!” However, in the end, Biff realizes his short comings and becomes consciences of the reality of their lack of ability for success and that their concept of the American dream is wrongfully misplaced. He even points this out to his dad, “Will you take that phony dream and burn it before something happens?” The topic of deception versus the reality is additionally clear in Willy's marriage. Without question, it is depicted in the play that Willy is unfaithful to his significant other, and even Biff winds up discovering him while cheating. In any case, Willy keeps up the appearance that he is always being straightforward and unwavering in his marriage. His better half, Linda does not know the truth of their marriage. In the end of the play, they realize the illusion under which the family was living and accept the truth. The Lowman family in the end finally accepts that they are not successful, nor of great importance However, Willy refuses to acknowledge this reality and completely reluctant to give up his dream, which in the end kills

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