
The Theory Of Light And Its Effects On The Human Eyes

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Light, a concept that has been worked with for many years dating back to 500 B.C. Pythagoras hypothesized that humans perceive light due to the human eyes ability to emit rays upon the environment and the emittance gives a human his or her sight (Sekuler). Afterward, human intellectuals started making it more concise to present day knowledge of light. This development of light came from two intellectuals named Christian Huygens and Isaac Newton. Newton exclaimed during the 1700s that light was a stream of particles carrying energy but Huygens, Newton’s contemporary, thought that light needed this invisible “ether” in order for these streams to make light travel. Then, a couple hundred years later, modern scientists such as Albert Einstein, Thomas Young, and Augustin Fresnel proved Isaac’s and Huygens’ hypotheses of light (Rossing, 23-24). This is how the basis of light was created.
With today’s science, light becomes more specifically perceived as a spectrum. The specific name for this spectrum is the electromagnetic spectrum, which contains many types of waves (NASA, Electromagnetic Spectrum). In Figure 2, the spectrum shows a variety of wavelengths with specific wavelengths classified by its length. The range of wavelengths humans can see wavelengths that are around 400 – 700 nanometers (nm) as colors while all other electromagnetic waves are simply blind to humans. The interesting classes for light that are used to measure are microwave and infrared light. The laser is

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