
The Theory Of The Forms Figures Into Plato 's / Socrates ' Reflections

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Introduction Forms are necessary or essential properties of a particular or thing. According to Socrates, these forms have properties which give them a certain causal power. Using the concept of Forms, he systematically constructs an argument in an attempt to prove that the soul exists and must always exist. Although, his complete conception of Forms is not captured in the Phaedo, We can still use this dialectic to address his arguments. In this paper, I will attempt to describe the Forms. To do this, I will detail the properties of the Forms and what they are meant to do. Then, I will explain how the concept of the Forms figures into Plato’s/Socrates’ reflections. Socrates uses the concept of forms to construct an argument to conclude that the soul must exist and will always exist necessarily. With this argument in mind I will suggest possible complications that arise from this theory and counterpoints that Socrates could provide.
What are the Forms Forms are necessary or essential properties of things, or particulars . For example, the number three necessarily has the form of Odd. In other words, the number three is odd. As Socrates would attest, because the number 3 has the form of Odd, the number three cannot have the form of Even. It is important to state what I mean by properties or particulars. Particulars are the parts of objects that are changing. They can be counted as single objects or concepts. For example, boxes. If there are three red boxes we would say

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