
The Things They Carried By Tim O ' Brien

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Innocence ruined a view of “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien In the story “The Things They Carried” the author Tim O’Brien uses powerful imagery, figurative language and repetition to spread his message. O’Brien’s reason behind telling the story was to show the way the Vietnam war was, and to remind society of those forgotten soldiers that gave their lives for their country. The Vietnam war was a pointless war for the U.S to be involved in, and many young men were sent to Vietnam, regardless of any feelings of negativity they may have had about the war. Many of the participants of the war was under the impression that it was wrong to be sent to war as it was basically a death sentence. Unfortunately, no one realized that the young …show more content…

Jimmy Cross, Lt. Cross has an unhealthy obsession with a girl named Martha. Lt. Cross carried letters that Martha and himself exchanged along with a couple of photos of her. Most of the items carried by the soldiers are non-war items and are easy to discuss without any emotional baggage attached. Ted lavender, the soldier who is killed by a sniper, is briefly mentioned before the narrator cuts back to the list of things they carried. The narrator gets bold momentarily in the story and talks about Lavender’s death, mentioning the rain poncho they carried his dead body in before taking him to a chopper to be flown away. The Narrator then goes back to listing more light hearted things, as if the narrator regrets even mentioning Lavender in the story. The reader is then re-introduced to Lt. Cross’s obsession with Martha. Lt. Cross has a few fantasies about his and Martha’s life together or what could have been.
“He wanted to sleep inside her lungs and breathe her blood and be smothered. He wanted to her to be a virgin and not a virgin, all at once. He wanted to know her. Intimate secrets-why poetry? Why so Sad? Why the grayness in her eyes? Why so alone? Not lonely, just alone-riding her bike across campus or sitting off by herself in the cafeteria. Even dancing, she danced alone-and it was aloneness that filled him with love. (O’Brien 435).”
When the narrator is finished describing some of Lt. Cross’s fantasies the tone of the

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