
The Things They Carried Jimmy Cross Symbolism

Satisfactory Essays

In the novel The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien describes the symbolic roles of the objects a soldier had. Throughout the novel, all soldiers carried something that symbolize their experience in the time of war. A great example is lieutenant Jimmy Cross, who carried both physical and emotional things in his time and experience during the war in Vietnam.

One of the three physical things Jimmy Cross carried were maps, since he is a lieutenant in the Vietnam war, it symbolizes that he is a leader with leadership qualities. It also shows that he had skills to maintain soldiers during time of war and that he is a valuable person to the other soldiers to stay alive, holding the responsibility of the lives of his men. The other thing Jimmy carried were letters from Martha. They were not love letters, but Jimmy Cross was hoping for her love, so he kept the letters and took them everywhere he went. He was aware of the fact that she did not love him the way he loved her but kept the letters anyways, symbolizing hope, which is a great leadership skill. After a days march, he would …show more content…

It was something that symbolized hope for Jimmy during war. Even though going through the reality of war, he chose to keep the love for Martha to most likely get his mind off the terror. Other things he carried were grief and terror of the men who died and might die. Lieutenant Jimmy Cross is responsible for him men, probably making him the most effected when something happens to his soldiers. The reality of war is that people die, people are scarred with the experience, and people just give up. Jimmy Cross carries the emotional baggage of grief when his men start to die. He also carries the terror of being there because he is also a soldier in war, fighting and trying to stay alive while trying to keep his men alive as well. These are the intangible things Cross carries but it has tangible weight, effecting

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