
The Tortilla Curtain By. Boyle

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The United States is a culturally and racially diverse country and although we try to get along with those who are not like us, doing so can be difficult and sometimes impossible. Our country is diverse, yet there is so much prejudice towards certain “types” of people that we shield ourselves from others in order to create our “perfect” in-group. A group in which only those who look and act like us can join and share their ideas. There is nothing wrong with forming cliques; however, problems arise when certain cliques look down on different ethnic groups to the point of damaging and hurting those individuals and minorities. The Tortilla Curtain, written by T.C. Boyle, points out many of the problems seen among different ethnic groups. In the book, Boyle demonstrated the difficulties that can develop among individuals when communication is limited, but also when we discriminate against others. In The Tortilla Curtain, T.C. Boyle argues that communication is essential for a society to prosper, that prejudice leads to misunderstandings, and that one individual representative of an entire ethnic group can be the cause of a negative image Throughout the book Boyle presents several examples in which white individuals see themselves as better and criticize Hispanics, or those who are not like them, harshly. Boyle points out several generalizations made by white individuals, saying “people like this Mexican or whatever he was who were responsible, thoughtless people,

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