
The Traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism Essay examples

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Two religions’ that stood out the most I would have to say is Hinduism and Buddhism These two religions have been around for centuries. In Hinduism it means a way of Life, traditionally is followed by Indian descent. We learned in class that Hinduism is called “Sanatan Dharma meaning External Religion. In India majority of people that reside there are identified as Hindus. Predominantly, Hinduism is of India region. There are many names that are followed by Hinduism which to name a few are Sanatan Dharma which was stated above, Vedic religion, Agama Hindu Dharma just to name a few of many. (Dorma pg. 16) To mankind Hinduism is one of the oldest religions, which has a dated that goes far back as 2500 B.C., which has been argumentative. …show more content…

The population for India is one billion today. Fulfilling the physical world according to Vedas there is no other God accept for Braham. If you are seeking wisdom Hindus worship Lord Ganesha, and looking for power worship Lord Hanuman, Lastly for money call on the goddess Laxmi. In Hinduism we cycle from birth to rebirth.
In Buddhism teaching it is more observation in the way things truly is. They find it hard to connect with another. Buddhism is described as a religion that is practical, dealing with life in a more realistic. Buddhist are more practical to think that people are more than likely to suffer, or prone to suffering. Reluctantly in this religion they believe don’t kill, and engage in illicit sex. In Buddhist practice they believe in compete salvation by mediation following the path, which is called Lotus. Buddha knows of no “reincarnation” in the popular and animistic sense of the word: though many are “still under the delusion that Buddhism teaches the transmigration of souls” (Coomaraswamy p. 14) Buddha theory is the naturalist maintains that the states and events called mental exist only when certain organizations of physical things also occur and are not exhibited by those things unless they are so organized. (Coomaraswamy p.20). One of the most important Buddha books is called the Dhammapada, “Footprints of the Law”; it is a chart and guidebook for those who “walk in the Way of the Law” (dhammacariyamcaranti), which is

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