
The Transformation Of Gregor In Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis

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The chilling truth of Gregor's conversion from man to beast Imagine your role in life was To live, to breathe, and to cater for an egocentric family, only wishing to benefit your charisma for their leisure. Any opportunity you have to be a human, to be special is interrupted by your family's needs to boost their laziness. Whats crazy about this example is that it really happened to Gregor in the metamorphosis. He is giving his fullest all while his family is breaking him down. This is clearly shown through his symbolic transformation into a cockroach. Gregor is a daunting example of how people look at others in a way that tears each other apart. For starters, how would feel if the people in your life, the ones who were there to give love …show more content…

No matter what Gregor does to achieve success, always felt as if he was nothing but a thorn in rhis family's heel. Even at the beginning of his transformation his family was more grossed out then worried for their loved one. Quote Gregor's job as a businessman must obviously be lonely. Nothing helps more than an overly negative family to bring him down to the breaking point. Gregor's family is just one of the tragedies brought onto his life that ultimately aids in his dimse. Some people seem to think that being an outcast would be the fault of yourself, the only way to overcome would this awkward anxiety would be to just be bold and just have confidents. This is somewhat true seeing as kids who are more self confidence tend to do better in life than those who are not. However, the way a child learns to be like the adult they will be in the future is through their parents. Gregor has some of the callous parents in the history of literature, making sure he has no opportunity to succeed in

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