
The Transformation Of Human Life In Kindred By Octavia Butler

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Human nature in America has changed significantly from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century. In one, slavery had been flourishing and African slaves were regarded as less than human, whereas in the African Americans are fighting for their civil rights and people begin to recognize them for who they are. In Kindred, Octavia Butler explores this juxtaposition of time through a fantasy in which Dana Franklin, an African American woman, jumps through time from her home in 1976 to her ancestor’s plantation in 1815. In her journey, she will encounter challenges among the slave community and her family that expand and transform her past notions of kinship, family, and marriage. Dana makes a total of six trips to the past. After her second trip, she realizes this phenomenon occurs only when her grandfather, Rufus, falls into a fatal situation. Each time Dana jumps, she leaves behind her home and more importantly her husband, excluding her third trip when he travels along with her. The idea of home plays a significant role in her transformation. Home is more than just a structural or tangible place. Home is more of an preconceived notion where one is surrounded by a familiar culture or a place where one feels safe. Dana and Kevin had only recently moved into their new home in California before her trips begin. In the present time, her travel through time begins on June 9th and concludes on July 4th. She has only lived in her house in her time for a little over a month,

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