
The Transformation Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

Decent Essays

In the Odyssey by Homer Odysseus is transformed as a result of his quest upon his return home because being away at war and the long journey home has changed him. He went into the war not to happy to be going into war. He was not experienced in, and was known as a fighter. Yet he leaves Troy as a hero of the Trojan war. He was a fighter, a hero, and the endless fighting he saw changed him. Odysseus came back home ten years after the war and a lot changes in ten years. His son is now nineteen and Penelope has suitors waiting for her hand in marriage. Once he returns home he feels like a stranger in his own home due to how much time Odysseus spent away from it. Odysseus makes a reference and mentions this “ he and I”. Homer shows this idea of disguise to in some cases save Odysseus life. Without these disguises who knows what suitor Penelope would have chosen or if Telemachus his son would have believed that he was really who he said he was. …show more content…

Curiosity gets the best of them, Odysseus and one ship sail over to the Island of the Cyclops. Once again there curiosity gets them in danger, they wander into a cyclops cave and end up get trapped inside. The cyclops was seen as a big intimidating figure who was typically seen as a scary beast to many humans. “ We felt a pressure on our hearts, dread of that deep rumble and that mighty man.” This shows that even The Odysseus raider of cities was afraid of the one eyed beast. Odysseus and his men knew their fate if they ended up getting trapped in the cave with the hungry cyclops. Odysseus and his men then disguised themselves after they stabbed the cyclops in the eye impairing his vision. This is a push for Odysseus but of course he has to prove his superiority and tricks the cyclops into thinking his name is

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