
The Transformation Of Women In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Of all the time periods in America’s history, the 1920s were especially unique. Also known as the Roaring Twenties, this period in history is known for its lack of morals, its prohibition, and its Flappers. Most notably of these are the Flappers, which is the name given to the women during the 1920s who changed the social norm for women forever. Before this time, women were expected to keep the house and children. Contrastingly, the women in the 20s wished to break free of their restraints and live independently. For instance, women during the 1920s cut their long hair into short bobs, smoked and drank alcohol in public, and wore shorter dresses. With this in mind, the story of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald takes on another meaning. One of the characters in this story is Jordan Baker, a relatively unimportant person in regard to the main characters. However, by observing her more closely, one discovers that she is the embodiment of the women during the 1920s. During this time in history, the women were rebellious, indifferent, and careless; but they were also independent, and they fought for equal rights. In like manner, Jordan embodies these women by being independent, moralless, and careless. First, Jordan personifies the Flappers by being independent. When Jordan makes her introduction in the story, she is merely a friend of Daisy Buchanan, a wealthy woman married to her husband Tom, and does not seem to care if she has a man or not. Daisy on the other hand

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