
The Tribulation In Eudora Welty's A Worn Path

Decent Essays

“A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty tells the tale of an old African American woman who must make a perilous journey through the woods in order to obtain medication for her ill grandson. Phoenix Jackson has undoubtedly faced trial and tribulation throughout her many years in the segregated South so it is no surprise that she is able to make the seemingly impossible trek across the Mississippi woods time and time again. Phoenix is faced with countless obstacles along her way but she always overcomes and she always presses on. Phoenix Jackson would not have been able to make this treacherous journey in her fragile state if it weren’t for her relentless perseverance and enduring hope. Throughout “A Worn Path,” Phoenix Jackson encounters numerous …show more content…

Phoenix was almost certainly a slave for a large portion of her life. When she reaches the doctor’s office in town, Phoenix tells the nurse, “I never did go to school – I was too old at the Surrender” (Welty 15). The reader can assume that Phoenix’s grandson is among the first generation of Southern blacks to be born after the Civil War therefore among the first generation to be afforded the opportunity to receive an education. Phoenix entered the doctor’s office and “she saw nailed up on the wall the document that had been stamped with the gold seal and framed in the gold frame which matched the dream that was hung up in her head” (Welty 15). The dream hung up in Phoenix’s head is the dream of “the day when degrees hang on her grandson’s bedroom wall, when blacks can go to college” (Sykes). Phoenix is hopeful for her grandson’s future. She is hopeful that he will have more opportunity than she in “this new world that has been opened up for him” (Sykes). Phoenix continues to make the journey to town because she will stop at nothing to give her grandson the opportunities that she never had. Phoenix continues to make this journey because she is hopeful of what is to come; she is hopeful for a brighter

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