
The True Meaning Of A Friend, By Martin Luther King Jr.

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The True Meaning of a Friend

Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and social activist who fought for the equality of African-Americans and victims of injustice. His leadership was instrumental in ending the legal segregation of African-Americans in the United States. One of his famous quotes: “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends” was delivered during the 1967 Steeler Lecture. This is one of the five orations in the “Trumpet of Conscience” which encompasses distinct themes about issues on inequality, mobilization of young people, nonviolence, and social change. This quote was a call to action for bystanders to start supporting the movement to end segregation. Nothing happens when people stand by passively.

When I first heard this quote, I did some research to determine its meaning. I feel fortunate because I never had a personal experience that directly relates with this quote. My mother taught me at a very young age that I would never be able to control or influence what other people say or do. However, I can control my reactions to them. People are empowered to hurt us only if we allow them to. I have to be strong for myself and not depend on others to protect or defend me. This is the reason why I am never bothered whenever I hear or know of people who say things …show more content…

Throughout my years in Carolyn Clark Elementary School, teachers and parents taught us how to be active bystanders. I knew that we had the power to make decisions about how to respond to whatever we see or hear. The choices we make can make a positive or negative impact on the people experiencing the event. When we stay silent, do nothing, or look the other way while witnessing someone being hurt verbally, physically, or mentally, we are participating in something that allows discrimination and

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