
The True Meaning of Being a Human in How It Feels to be Colored by Zora Hurston

Decent Essays

While skin color has be a subject of discriminations against people, How It Feels to be colored presents how Zora Hurston embrace the true meaning of the human being despite, race, color, religion or social status.
Zora Hurston wrote the essay ‘How It feels to be colored” in the 1920s. It is important notice that during that period a strong and open discrimination against black people existed. Racial segregation and unfair treatment added more constraints which made it more difficult for others to see beyond the skin color. The author writes and divides the essay in four different sections. Each part narrates and explains her childhood experience, black heritage, discrimination, social status and how she sees the world around her. As a starting point, Hurston utilized a strong phrase to clearly self-differentiate from others when she says: “I’m the only negro in the United States whose grandfather on the mother side was not an Indian Chief” (Hurston, 144). In the essay, she continuously emphasizes and express how proud she is of her heritage and constantly reminds us that we should be proud of who we are no matter the race, color or where we come from. What really matters is the contributions we as human beings can provide to the society where we live.
Zora Hurston starts the first part of the essay describing her childhood in Eatonville, Florida, a town in which black or “colored” (Hurston, 144) people was the predominant race. As she states: “The only white people

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