
My Experience Of Migrating To US

Decent Essays

Money Machine United States is the most diverse country in the world. The US takes about 70000 refugees a year from all over the world, and I was one of the many refugees that were living in place that was isolated place in Ethiopia. When I first knew that I am going to US, I was enchanted that I am going to have a prosperous future. I was also happy that I am going to have all the freedom that any human being wants to have. Additionally, I was delighted that I am going to meet my family after so many years of separation. Migrating to US is the best thing that ever happen to me at least for the first couple of years, however, my expectations were diminished when I experienced life is not easy or apparent like I expected it to be. When I came to US in 2009, the job market was in the edge of collapse. It was hard to find a job. The economy was not doing well, most people were getting laid off. Moreover, I was not expecting to find a job, because I did not have a work experience and language skill for employers to hire me. I did not have the expectations or assumption that I will find a job, however, one afternoon the agency who were helping me finding a job called me and told me that they found me a job. I had no idea what I should in the first day of work so I try to look helpful as much as I can. The next day I get to know what the job is all about, and they make me operate a molding machine that makes gasket for automobile. Working in a manufacturing company that

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