
The United States Of America

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The United States of America has over five million primary care physicians who directly affect the overall quality and cost of healthcare by way of their treatments, prescriptions, orders and diagnoses. These doctors strive every day to provide top quality care, even though they are stretched to the max, due to the decreasing amount of qualified primary care doctors available today.
A study done by the National Center for Health Workforce, suggest that the increasing aging population, mixed with insurance coverage expansion, has caused a surge in demand for primary care services. Moreover, the U.S. population is expected to rise by 18% by the year 2030, as well as older adults over the age of 65 will increase three times that rate. An …show more content…

In March 2015, the AAMC released a study that stated, of the 20% of the population that live in rural areas, only 11.4 percent of primary care physicians practiced in those locations in 2005. Studies suggest the problems with primary care physicians in those areas will eventually lead to no reasonable access to primary care physicians overall.
Primary care physicians are commonly defined as any doctor who is licensed to practice in the following specialties: family medicine, internal medicine, and general pediatrics. Primary care physicians act as patients first point of contact for any non-emergency medical issue. They also provide routine care, disease prevention, patient health education, counseling, and health maintenance (Laird & Shaeen 1-8).
In addition, most primary care physicians provide referrals to specialists when needed, and ensure that a patient’s healthcare is appropriately collaborated with other health care professionals. Moreover, primary care physicians are an advocate for the patient with respect to the overall goal of accomplishing cost-effective healthcare. (Rabinowitz 195-200).
These essentials benefits in regards to a patient’s relationship with their primary care physician are in jeopardy due to the future primary care physician shortage. Studies done by the American Medical Association (AMA), the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the Association of American Medical Colleges, and multiple state medical and specialty

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