
The Unjust And Forms Of Discrimination In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Do you know whats its like to be discriminated? Do you know how it feels when you didn’t get the job, part, or opportunity just for being who you are? Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. There are many different ways and forms of discrimination and they are all wrong. Discrimination is something that we need to put an end too, especially the discrimination of women.The discrimination of women is overlooked and irrelevant to most people. According to a poll of 2000 employees commissioned by Investors in People, 8 in 10 women (83%) in full-time employment believe that gender discrimination still exists in the workplace. Women have experienced discrimination in history, school, and in the workplace; because of this discrimination society has viewed women as inferior to men. Discrimination seems to have never gone away, it happens now and it definitely happened in history.The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is a United States labor law amending the Fair Labor Standards Act, aimed at abolishing wage disparity based on sex. Wisconsin passed the first piece of protective legislation for female workers in the United States. The 1867 law, and others that followed assumed that women were unable to handle certain jobs because of their physical appearance. The fact that women could get pregnant and become a mother could be compromised by the long work hours and poor conditions. The

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