
The Unwinnable Quagmire Analysis

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The Unwinnable Quagmire
The Johnson administration bears the full responsibility for the decision to go to war in Vietnam. It was a baseless war that lacked proper foundation that resulted in several miscalculations that led to mass casualties and the loss of the war. Johnson used the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin to escalate the war. However, his lack of planning and misguided motives led to a war that would forever change American foreign policy. Johnson waged an ideological war that miscalculated its objective and its enemy, which also serves as the main lesson of the Vietnam war that subsequent administrations continue to ignore.
The escalation of US involvement in Vietnam was due to several decisions that were inherited, and subsequently exasperated, by the Johnson administration. The Gulf of Tonkin in 1965 played a large role in the justification to escalate the war and served as an opportunity for Johnson to show that he was tuff and could be trusted to protect …show more content…

The objective was in part an attempt to prevent the Cold War from escalating. However, achieving this objective was unclear and was being fought in extreme conditions. According to Herring, Vietnam was, “a formless war against a formless enemy”. The US had never fought a war on such rough terrain like Vietnam. According to Herring, the war was, “It was an extremely difficult war for the United States to fight, waged in a climate and on terrain that were singularly inhospitable to outsiders” (410). According to the West article, “Vietnam was fought in thick underbrush and steep jungles. It was a grunt war far from roads.” (2) The Vietnamese were patient and resilient under the harshest of elements. These miscalculations provided a lesson for the US and thus, Vietnam continues to linger in the back of every American’s mind when deciding to engage in future

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