
The Use Of Corporal Punishment In Schools

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All across the US corporal punishment is being given to students as a method of discipline. Corporal punishment is infliction of pain as a punishment for an offense. Corporal punishment is legal in 19 states in school and at home That means that the government is allowing students to suffer just so they can learn a lesson. Corporal punishment does not belong in schools because it can hurt students emotionally/mentally, it shows students discrimination, and can harm students physically. When a child is hit by a teacher, it can harm them emotionally short and long term. The use of corporal punishment in schools can make a child more aggressive, defiant, and oppositional (Dupper, CP in US Public Schools). By hitting a student, the teacher is thinking they are teaching them a lesson but really they are setting them up to be more defiant once more and be hit again. It is a vicious cycle that will never end until the student is damaged for the rest of their life. Teachers hit kids because they think it will help them out in the long run but really it can lead to a number of different things such as anxiety, hostility, depression, aggression against authorities, teachers, and property. In the teachers mind they are preventing this student from acting out again but really they can come back and destroy school property. Also, the teacher may believe that because they hit this student the student will become a better person but really it makes them so much worse. Lastly, corporal punishment can affect a student's self image and weaken their social skills (Rollins, Revisiting the Issue). When a student is hit, they think less of themselves because they believe that the reason they were hit is because they are lesser than everyone else. They also could stop making new friends and become socially awkward because they are afraid that everyone will not be their friend just because others were not nice. Teachers do not understand the consequences that a student must face when he or she is hit by them. Some people may say that they can go to therapy and get better but most likely the student will still have permanent emotional damage. Another reason corporal punishment does not belong in school is because it teaches

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